Laura Fox Laura Fox

Scaling Pyramids: Finding Brave as Abba’s Child

First Published in The DELIGHT issue of Joyful Life Magazine

“I want to be fearless. I want my children to take holy risks and to know the feeling of eternal invincibility, to walk with their chins held high into dominions of darkness and challenge the status quo because they are supernaturally secure in knowing that their souls are untouchable. I want them to breathe Abba Father into a world that believes itself orphaned.” 

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Laura Fox Laura Fox

A Blessing for my Daughters

Dissent. ⁣

I give you my blessing to dissent with all the fury you possess.⁣

⁣There are some things worth fighting for. ⁣

⁣So dig your beautiful heels in. ⁣

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Laura Fox Laura Fox

Dust Storm

First Published on The Mudroom Blog

“Dust is the chosen medium of the Great Artist.

It was from dust that He formed his greatest work of art– a self- portrait that He gave breath and called good.

May the dust that envelopes the magic of my children’s early childhood bring with it a greater understanding of whose image each of them bears.”

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